
 Hello! Welcome to my About page, my name is Omar dimas and I have a strong passion for information technology. I have spent the past years learning about computers and technology in general.  

I spent time learning about the new technologies that are coming out and like to get updated on the latest technology. I oversee the network at home. I make sure the Wi-Fi is fixed when not working. I help with technological needs in the household. I do not have real-life experience in the field itself. But self-learning has helped me understand some fundamentals.

I plan to continue learning more about information technology as I look toward the future. I aim to understand more about information technology and get my degree. I look forward to working in the field of information technology and gaining new skills and experience in what it is like working there. One way I could see things going is going through the cloud field of IT. Doing a job that involves cloud computing since it is the future, and many companies are in the cloud already. I would have the fundamentals needed to understand what it is like to run the cloud computing world.  


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